07970 627 762 martinfileosteopath@gmail.com
Osteopath, Cranial Osteopath, Sports Massage Therapist, Western Medical Acupuncturist.

Posts by admin

Osteopath? You just do backs don’t you?

I spend half of my working week working with 2 NHS GP Surgeries. I hear this question regularly, not only...

Gardening injuries

Unless you are retired and can spend as much time as you wish, and the weather allows in the garden.

Dog Walking

I’m sure that dog walking wouldn’t be top of your list as the likely cause of injuries, however it is...

What is Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy is a more subtle, gentle form of Osteopathy that encourages the release of stresses throughout the body.

New web design

I’ve been working with our new website design partners Oast House Media over the past few weeks having been frustrated...