07970 627 762 martinfileosteopath@gmail.com
Osteopath, Cranial Osteopath, Sports Massage Therapist, Western Medical Acupuncturist.

About your osteopath

Hello and welcome to my website. I am Martin, an Osteopath and Cranial Osteopath.

I am lucky enough to be able to work with, and treat patients of all ages ranging from infants, through teens, working adults and sports people to the elderly (but increasingly active). To date my youngest patient was 3 days old (and four weeks premature), and the oldest, a very spritely 103 years old!

It is my aim to run a friendly, welcoming clinic where patients of all ages can feel comfortable throughout the treatment process. I pride myself in treating you as a person, not a condition and it is important to me that you understand exactly what the problem is and how the treatment is going to help.

My priority is to find the best course of treatment for you and to return you to your optimal fitness promptly. I particularly like to equip you with advice, exercises and stretches so that you stand a good chance of maintaining a relatively pain-free existence.

Occasionally, during your assessment, it will become clear that you need to be referred to other specialists within the healthcare system. I will discuss this fully with you, try to address any concerns you may have, and I have excellent local contacts to direct you to the best place to resolve your problems.

I currently work privately in several practices in Kent and in several forward-thinking Medical Practices in Kent who offer Osteopathy to their patients as part of their Musculoskeletal treatment on the NHS. It is exciting to be able to offer our services to those who may otherwise be unable to afford it and to be able to develop a good reputation among local GPs, who may be more likely to consider using our services in future as a result of good feedback from their patients.

​Away from the treatment couch, I am happiest outdoors and combine my passion for travel with motorcycling and mountain biking. I can also be spotted falling off a skateboard or paddleboard at a beach near you!

  • Osteopath
  • Cranial Osteopath
  • Sports Massage Therapist
  • Western Medical Acupuncturist
Martin File: Osteopath in Faversham
Martin File (Most. D.O.): Osteopath in Faversham

I studied at the prestigious European School of Osteopathy(ESO) in Boxley, Maidstone and graduated with a Masters Degree in Osteopathy.

I am registered with the General Osteopathic Council (No 9429) and the Institute of Osteopathy.

I came to Osteopathy later in life after a successful career in the Public Service Sector in London. The challenges of embarking on a full time medical Master’s degree after 30 years away from education was both daunting and very rewarding. Having completed over 1000 hours in a clinical setting during my training working in the General Clinic, Children’s Clinic, Maternity Clinic and Sports Injuries Clinic, I was excited by the diverse range of patients and the equally diverse range of treatments at our disposal to treat them.

I use an integrative approach to treatment incorporating both Cranial and Structural methods, which allow me treat a great variety of patients at many levels. I use deep tissue massage, manipulation, articulation and cranial (craniosacral) osteopathic techniques. Additionally, I hold qualifications as a Personal Trainer, and Western Medical Acupuncturist and, more recently, have been using Kinesiotaping to help with treatment and rehabilitation.

In addition to our initial intensive training, to maintain our registration with our Statutory Body, the General Osteopathic Council, Osteopaths are required by law to complete further training every year, to keep fully up-to-date with all the latest research and techniques.

My interest for further training centres on Cranial Osteopathy.

I am an Associate of the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy, who offer a Pathway of specialist courses covering the treatment of all ages and most conditions.

I have completed courses at the Osteopathic Centre for Children in London, a fantastic Charity set up to provide osteopathic care for infants and children of families who may not be able to otherwise afford it. It is also the premier teaching establishment for osteopaths wishing to specialise in this field and I look forward to future training at this great institution.

I have recently embarked on the excellent Biodynamic Cranial Osteopathic Pathway (for adults and children), which is another ongoing pathway of study in this field that I am committed to.

My other passion is trying to help people in Chronic or long-term pain who have seemingly exhausted all other areas of treatment. I belong to a specialist group of Osteopaths, Osteopaths for Progress in Headaches and Migraines (OPHM), who seek to provide courses, seminars, peer support, forums, latest research, access to online resources, plus to share knowledge and experience in primary headache management. This is a very exciting project, which is designed to share our collective knowledge to help sufferers!